Software Engineer at Thoughtworks | Polyglot Developer | Open Source Contributor | DevOps Enthusiast
I was working on a Spark job to process data and load it into a Database. The database provides support for reading/writing via Spark using a...
Recently I started using yabai + skhd for window management in OS X. I have set up Caps Lock as a Hyper key using Karabiner elements and dedicated it...
I have been using Alacritty + Tmux as my default terminal for 2 years now and am very happy with it. Vim is one of my go to editors. I use Neovim, a...
GoLang's net/http package provides client and server implementation for HTTP. For applications where there is less logic involved with the request and...
At work, while writing an Airlfow DAG I needed to convert {{ execution_date }} macro from UTC to IST inside Jinja template. Initially I thought {{...
With ssh we often deal with lengthy domain names and plain IP addresses. To ssh easily we usually create short aliases by adding entries to...